By Reza Ikhlasul Sunday, November 28, 2010 CCNA Layer3 Protocols TCP/IP Lesson 30 - IPv4 Subnetting - Practice In the previous post, I showed you three major rules used in calculating subnets. This knowledge can only be verified in practice though. Le...
By Reza Ikhlasul Thursday, November 25, 2010 CCNA Layer3 Protocols TCP/IP Lesson 29 - IPv4 Subnetting - The Rules Now, that we have already learned a few things such as conversions between binary and decimal, how to recognize classes of IP addresses base...
By Reza Ikhlasul Sunday, November 21, 2010 CCNA Layer3 Protocols TCP/IP Lesson 28 - IPv4 Address Dissected - Part 2 In my previous post I have talked about the hierarchy in IPv4 address. It is the network mask that tell us which bits form a network addres...
By Reza Ikhlasul Saturday, November 13, 2010 Basics CCNA Layer3 Protocols TCP/IP Lesson 27 - IPv4 Address Dissected - Part 1 If you already feel comfortable with binary-to-decimal and decimal-to-binary conversions you're up to this post's challenge: learnin...
By Reza Ikhlasul 8:46 PM Basics CCNA Layer3 Lesson 26 - Binary World The routing world awaits. But before we plunge into its depths, it is imperative that we become fluent with conversions between decimal and ...