By Reza Ikhlasul Wednesday, March 13, 2013 Security Lab 219 - Reflexive ACL Prerequisites: CCNP level skills. Topology Pic 1. Topology Diagram. Task 1 R3 is the edge router for subnets 172.16.x.0/24 and 10.0.x.0/24...
By Reza Ikhlasul Tuesday, March 12, 2013 Security Lab 218 - Dynamic ACL (Lock-and-Key) Prerequisites: CCNP level skills. Topology Pic 1. Topology Diagram. Task 1 On R2 configure ACL which allows the user Jimmy with the passwo...
By Reza Ikhlasul Monday, March 4, 2013 Security Lab 217 - ACL Complex Matching Prerequisites: CCNP level skills. Topology Pic 1. Topology Diagram. Task 1 On SW1 configure the following Loopback intefaces: Lo1: 182.17....
By Reza Ikhlasul 2:53 PM Security Lab 216 - ACL Matching Even Network Numbers Prerequisites: CCNP level skills. Topology Pic 1. Topology Diagram. Task 1 On R5 configure loopback interfaces with the following addresse...
By Reza Ikhlasul Friday, March 1, 2013 find last prime number in c++ prime number tricky question Tricky C++ questions Find last prime number occur before enter number These tricky kinds of c++ programs can be given in quiz. Tell a prime number which exist before an entered number Where the entered...