By Reza Ikhlasul Thursday, October 30, 2014 Distribute Google Now Google Play mobile search The fastest route between voice search and your app By Jarek Wilkiewicz , Developer Advocate, Google Search How many lines of code will it take to let your users say Ok Google , and search for...
By Reza Ikhlasul Wednesday, October 29, 2014 Authentication Google Play services Tips for integrating with Google Accounts on Android Since we published this post in 2014, we�ve made a lot of updates to the Google Sign-In APIs, deprecating much of this information. Check ou...
By Reza Ikhlasul Tuesday, October 28, 2014 Android 5.0 Design Develop Material Design Material Design on Android Checklist By Roman Nurik , Design Advocate Android 5.0 brings in material design as the new design system for the platform and system apps. Consumers ...
By Reza Ikhlasul Saturday, October 25, 2014 Android 5.0 Design Develop Material Design Implementing Material Design in Your Android app By Chris Banes and Nick Butcher , Android Developer Relations Material design is a comprehensive approach to visual, interaction and motio...
By Reza Ikhlasul Friday, October 24, 2014 Android 5.0 Material Design Getting Your Apps Ready for Nexus 6 and Nexus 9 By Katherine Kuan , Developer Advocate Updated material design Tumblr app on Nexus 6. Last week, we unveiled the Nexus 6 and Nexus 9, the ne...
By Reza Ikhlasul Thursday, October 23, 2014 Android Wear archive Location wear GPS on Android Wear Devices By Wayne Piekarski , Developer Advocate With the latest release of Android Wear, wearables with built-in GPS like the Sony Smartwatch 3 can...
By Reza Ikhlasul 4:30 AM Android 5.0 AppCompat Design Develop Featured Material Design Support Library AppCompat v21 � Material Design for Pre-Lollipop Devices! By Chris Banes, Android Developer Relations The Android 5.0 SDK was released last Friday, featuring new UI widgets and material design, our...