By Reza Ikhlasul Friday, July 31, 2015 Android Android C++ Android Studio C++ Develop Featured NDK Tools Get your hands on Android Studio 1.3 Posted by Jamal Eason, Product Manager, Android Previewed earlier this summer at Google I/O, Android Studio 1.3 is now available on the stab...
By Reza Ikhlasul 1:53 AM append c code data program source Append data into text file c programming source code Write a C/C++ program to append a file in which user will enter the file name to open it then enters data to append it. Program should termi...
By Reza Ikhlasul Thursday, July 30, 2015 Beta Google Play Testing Iterate faster on Google Play with improved beta testing Posted by Ellie Powers, Product Manager, Google Play Today, Google Play is making it easier for you to manage beta tests and get your users ...
By Reza Ikhlasul 2:00 AM Auto Backup for Apps made simple Posted by Wojtek Kalicinski , Developer Advocate, Android Auto Backup for Apps makes seamless app data backup and restore possible with zero...
By Reza Ikhlasul Tuesday, July 28, 2015 admob Android Android Developer eBook Google Play [New eBook] Download The No-nonsense Guide to App Growth Originally posted on the AdMob Blog. What�s the secret to rapid growth for your app? Play Store or App Store optimization? A sophisticated ...
By Reza Ikhlasul Sunday, July 26, 2015 file fopen mode write write data into a text file c++ program Write a C++ program in which user will continuously enter data into a text file and program should terminate when user press ESC key. Keep t...
By Reza Ikhlasul Tuesday, July 14, 2015 beacon beacons Develop Developer Preview Lighting the way with BLE beacons Originally posted on the Google Developers blog . Posted by Chandu Thota, Engineering Director and Matthew Kulick, Product Manager Just like...
By Reza Ikhlasul 10:34 PM beacons Developer Preview nearby Connect With the World Around You Through Nearby APIs Originally posted on the Google Developers blog . Posted by Akshay Kannan, Product Manager Mobile phones have made it easy to communicate wi...
By Reza Ikhlasul Friday, July 10, 2015 M Developer Preview Gets Its First Update By Jamal Eason , Product Manager, Android Earlier this summer at Google I/O, we launched the M Developer Preview . The developer preview is ...
By Reza Ikhlasul Thursday, July 9, 2015 admob Ads Distribute Featured The App Developer Business Kit: Now available in 10 languages Posted by Sean Meng, a Product Marketing Manager on the AdMob team Today we�re excited to launch The App Developer Business Kit in 10 more ...
By Reza Ikhlasul Thursday, July 2, 2015 Develop Featured Games NDK Game Performance: Data-Oriented Programming Posted by Shanee Nishry , Game Developer Advocate To improve game performance, we�d like to highlight a programming paradigm that will help...