Maximum or largest number in array c++ code

Maximum or largest number in array c++ code
Di Posting Oleh : Simple Learning
Kategori : array code cpp find largest max-number maximum number

Write a C++ program which find largest or maximum number in array using for loop and if statement

Concept used
  • Array in c++
  • for loop
  • if statement

Post contains c++ code and Dry run of code

How program works
  • Program first take size of array from user
  • Then input element or array one by one
  • then show the maximum number in array

c++ code: Using CodeBlocks Compiler

    using namespace std;
    int main()

    cout<<"Enter The Size Of Array:   ";
    int size;
    int array[size], key,i;

    // Taking Input In Array
    for(int j=0;j<size;j++){
    cout<<"Enter "<<j<<" Element : ";
    //Your Entered Array Is
    for(int a=0;a<size;a++){
       cout<<"array[ "<<a<<" ]  =  ";

       int  maximum=array[0];
       for(int i=0;i<size;i++){


   cout<<"\n\nMaximum Number is in array is :

   return 0;

Sample Output
Maximum or largest number in array c++ code
Sample input output

Dry Run Of Program:
Let size of array is equal to 5
and user enters following numbers

Lets dry run main for loop which contains an if statement

which is
     int maximum=array[0];
         for(int i=0;i<size;i++){


we have an integer which is maximum = array[0];
so value of maximum= 5;

5, 6, -7, 99, 78

at i=0;
array[i]=5; maximum=5
     5         >    5

condition false

5, 6, -7, 99, 78
at i=1
array[i]=6; maximum=5
     6         >    5

condition True    then maximum=6

5, 6, -7, 99, 78
at i=2
array[i]=-7;  maximum=6
     -7         >    5

condition false

5, 6, -7, 99, 78
at i=3
array[i]= 99;  maximum=6
     99        >   6

condition True  maximum= 99

5, 6, -7, 99, 78
at i=4
array[i]=78;  maximum=99
     78         >    99

condition false

final result is  maximum= 99

so 99 is the maximum number in array

There always more than one way to code a program for fast learning change the logic of the program do experiment with code one of the most important is dry run the program on paper it will be very helpful for understand it also improves the logic building

This program will help to understand the working of array, for loop, if statement and assignment operator

More Programs here C++ Simple Examples

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