Lab 2-1: Router startup and Initial Configuration

Lab 2-1: Router startup and Initial Configuration
Di Posting Oleh : Simple Learning
Kategori : CCNA Configuration Exercises ICND1 Lab PacketTracer

Lab pre-requisites:

Lab 2-1 Packet Tracer Topology Download.

Topology Diagram

There are four tasks in this lab. I am curious how Packet Tracer is going to handle them.

Task 1: Router hardware and software inspection.
Task 2: Create the initial Router configuration.
Task 3: Changing default CLI parameters.
Task 4: Neighbor discovery using CDP.

Task 1: Router hardware and software inspection.

In order to find out more about the router, let's start with 'show version' command:

I fill focus on few lines that seem important here:

It is a Cisco Router Platform 2800 series.
IOS Major version: 12
IOS Minor version: 4
IOS Release: 15
T1 train: in testing

The above picture shows that router is running an 'Advanced IP Services' IOS image (supporting things such as VPNs etc.) The file in flash is compressed (z), will run directly from RAM memory (m) and it is an executable file (.bin).

Router model: 2811
RAM: 64 MB
(60416K for processes and 5220K for IO; you must add both values to learn the amount memory)
Interfaces: 2 FastEthernet Interfaces (100Mbs each) and 1 serial (128Kbps)

Task 2: Create the initial Router configuration.

First, let's bring factory defaults

After reboot ignore the 'System Configuration Dialog'.

Configure a Hostname as per topology diagram.

Router#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)#hostname Branch

Disable DNS name lookup.

Branch(config)#no ip domain lookup

Configure and enable FastEthernet0/0 and FastEthernet0/1 interfaces as shown in the topology diagram. Perform this task on both Branch and HQ routers. On HQ the address should be assigned to FastEthernet0/0 interface.

HQ Configuration:

Router#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)#hostname HQ
HQ(config)#no ip domain lookup
HQ(config)#interface fas0/0
HQ(config-if)#ip address
HQ(config-if)#no shutdown
HQ(config-if)#interface fas0/1
HQ(config-if)#ip address
HQ(config-if)#no shutdown

Branch Configuration:

Branch#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Branch(config)#interface fas0/0
Branch(config-if)#ip address
Branch(config-if)#no shutdown
Branch(config-if)#do ping

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 80 percent (4/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 0/0/0 ms


Task 3: Changing default CLI parameters.

Configure Console 0 interface so that system messages are sent above the cursor (so that they don't interrupt with your typing).

Branch(config)#line con 0
Branch(config-line)#logging synchronous

In the console 0 configuration context change the idle timer to 1 hour (it will not work in Packet Tracer properly but here we need to practice the command).

Branch(config-line)#exec-timeout 60

Change the history buffer size from default value (10 or 20 depending on the device), to 50 recently remembered commands. Make sure that this will be still working after terminating session (need to do it on the console 0)

Branch(config-line)#history size 50

The whole configuration of the console:

line con 0
 history size 50
 exec-timeout 60 0
 logging synchronous

Task 4: Neighbor discovery using CDP.

We can use Branch router and CDP protocol to obtain more information about its two neighbors. Compare the discovery below with the topology diagram at the top of the page.

If you want to obtain a more detailed output about a neighbor using CDP, you can either use the following command:

show cdp neighbor detail

It will display detailed information about all neighbors discovered (one by one). Alternatively, you can ask CDP for detailed information about specific neighbor (for instance SW1). 

Pay attention here as IOS is CASE SENSITIVE. When you provide the name of the neighbor, you must type it exactly as presented in show cdp neighbor output.

SW1 detailed output would be provided with this command:

show cdp entry SW1

Here's my output: 

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