Lab 136 - BGP Peer Groups

Lab 136 - BGP Peer Groups
Di Posting Oleh : Simple Learning
Kategori : BGP Core Technologies Routing

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Full information:

Prerequisites: CCNP level skills.

I have created a pdf document with OSPF Lab 1 and 2 containing a detailed lab breakdown. Check it out if want. Any feedback is most welcome.

Pic. 1 - Topology Diagram.
Icons designed by: Andrzej Szoblik -

Task 1
R3 in AS 123 is going to peer with few hundred routers running iBGP session and you will need to save its resources (CPU). Configure R3 iBGP peering in such a way that it checks the routing table only once and replicates the same update to all its iBGP peers.


Task 1
R3 in AS 123 is going to peer with few hundred routers running iBGP session and you will need to save its resources (CPU). Configure R3 iBGP peering in such a way that it checks the routing table only once and replicates the same update to all its iBGP peers.
R3 Configuration:
router bgp 123
 no synchronization
 bgp router-id
 bgp log-neighbor-changes
 network mask
 neighbor IBGP_ROUTERS peer-group
 neighbor IBGP_ROUTERS remote-as 123
 neighbor IBGP_ROUTERS route-reflector-client
 neighbor IBGP_ROUTERS next-hop-self
 neighbor peer-group IBGP_ROUTERS
 neighbor peer-group IBGP_ROUTERS
 neighbor remote-as 50
 no auto-summary

Pic. 2 - BGP Peer Group.
Pic. 3 - BGP Peer Group Members Summary.

BGP Peer groups have limitations:
  • All neighbors that shared the same peer group configuration also had to share the same outbound routing policies.
  • All neighbors had to belong to the same peer group and address family. Neighbors configured in different address-families could not belong to different peer groups.

(The second bullet point tries to underline the fact that you cannot mix iBGP and eBGP peers in the same peer group).

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